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Best FAQ Schema for Rich Results

20th April 2021


codehaven code snippet review

What FAQ Rich Results plugin should I use?

We all want to see the following image appear when we test our FAQ’s page, but how do we get this to work? What WordPress plugin should I use?
Both of the following plugins work very well, both personally tested. Both plugins show the interface in the actual page/post.

rich results
rich results

1. FAQ Schema For Pages And Posts
Simple but shows on all pages, free

faq schema
faq schema

2. WP FAQ Schema Markup for SEO

Simple, can be activated by a switch on any page you want. Free

For me the best way is to add a schema plugin, and add one of the above on top, to get the full schema added to your website.

From this with just a schema plugin on every part of your website : –

To this with an added FAQ’s page: –

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