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Amazon Reviews can’t be trusted – Thousands of fake reviews found

2nd April 2019


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Amazon Fake Reviews

When I ordered a mobile phone screen protector for my Samsung S8 plus, I fired up the Amazon app and started to search for a well made, good fitting and most importantly a product that has top reviews. Now what if I told you that thousands upon thousands of reviews are fake. Would you still search the way you do, by selecting more than four stars. Here’s how I found out about a Amazon’s fake reviews. I found a nice screen protector for my phone and for £9.99, which seemed kind of an average price.
amazon fake reviews,,

Taking a closer look....

When I received the product it was a flimsy not very well fitting phone protector which I thought was very unusual given that 411 people had all given the protector 100% review rating. so I went back to the app and looked at the reviews I wasn’t anything immediately that striked me, but on closer inspection I found a few usernames that had been used to a few times and then again and again. I clicked into the actual username and found out that in the same day they had posted 600 to 700 reviews primarily all of phone protectors. Some are listed below. Now out of the 400 or so reviews I found 5 fake reviewers in just a few minutes, that had posted 3,156 reviews between them, and mostly in the same 48 hours (2 days). If you have ever posted a review on Amazon it takes 48 hours to get accepted! How does someone post 600 reviews on the same day?

More proof

And here’s some more proof. Same review but different usernames
amazon fake reviews,,
Same person, same date same item….
amazon fake reviews,,

Is Amazon Trustworthy?

The most worrying thing about these fake Amazon reviews:-
  • Amazon is supposed to be trustworthy
  • Amazon should have software that picks up this type of behaviour
If Amazon really wants to fix things and restore my faith in their marketplace, they will need to do a few things.
  1. Only let people write reviews who have purchased the product they are writing about.
  2. Show how many people have sent the product back due to inferior quality or such like.
  3. Some people would never write a review, therefore if the customer keeps the product it shows they like it. This would reveal the amount sold also so this may be difficult for Amazon to accept and publish. eBay does publish this.
Ebay is another marketplace that has problems of its own but that’s for another day. Same person and same product, and if you think they bought two, this may be acceptable. Unfortunately they reviewed the same product 72 times, and all on the same day. (30th of March).
Many of these fake reviews are made by typing in hundreds of mini sentences, such as
Arrived well packaged, nice fit
Great product, would buy again
Bought for my sister, she loves it.
then they add all of these into a database and then it spins the sentences to make hundreds of new reviews. This is called text spinning. It’s widely used in SEO to create new post blogs, that look new to Google but are in fact the same content but with new ways of saying things. Sometimes they get creative and add names and relationships as a variable that be changed. “My sister loved the case” now becomes “My Dad loves the case” and “My Nan loves the case”.

Amazon problems

The confusing thing is that I can’t do what the fake reviewers are doing! How do they submit hundreds of reviews by the same person on the same day? This can only be done in two ways.
  1. The site has been secretly hacked and a backdoor has been created that is letting reviews in.
  2. The people that upload and accept the reviews have been compromised.
If you know another way, comment below…. If our thinking one person has been hired to write these reviews how did they get accepted on the same day? My first port of call would who accepted or allowed the reviews to be posted. Until Amazon fix their marketplace I will not trust any review. I want my Prime subscription fee back please. I only use it for next day delivery anyway….. I did contact Amazon to see what they are going to do about this but they just said “We will pass this on to the relevant team”. Ever heard that before?

Some of the fake reviewers

amazon fake reviews,,
amazon fake reviews,,
amazon fake reviews,,
amazon fake reviews,,
amazon fake reviews,,

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