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Migrate settings by saving and restoring

15th March 2014

Sublime Text

Sublime text category icon

1. Copy files from ‘C:\Users[userName]\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\’
The file location can be found by using – Open Sublime Text -> Browse Packages 2. Close Sublime Text 3. Backup all the folder from Sublime Text 2 Folder

  1. Sublime Text 2/Installed Packages
  2. Sublime Text 2/Packages
  3. Sublime Text 2/Pristine Packages
  4. Sublime Text 2/Settings


They are kept in PACKAGES > USER > and all ending with .snippets

2. Now replace all the backup files in new installation ‘C:\Users\NewUserName]\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\’

The file location can be found by using – Open Sublime Text -> Browse Packages
Close Sublime Text 2  ff you get error unable to save work-space
1. Create a new Project
2. Save Project
3. Exit
4. Restart Sublime Text

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