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  • How to use Composer

    5th December 2014

    Random Coding

    random coding category codehaven

    Composer is an easy way to download complete folders and files of a certain program/script.

    1. Install composer (you will need to tell it where your php.exe file is).
    2. Once installed test it by opening CMD.exe and typing ‘composer’. this does nothing except show a few details of composer (i.e help file)
    3. Get the json of the file you want like below

    4. Create a file that contains this above called composer.json and save it inside any folder you wish. I will be saving it inside a folder called ‘facebook’.
    5. Using the command prompt (CMD) navigate to the folder and type ‘composer install’.
    6. This will install the package into this folder.
    7. Job done. If you want more packages/programs visit

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