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File Permissions Windows – What they do!

8th August 2014


Permission Meaning for Folders Meaning for Files
Read Permits viewing and listing of files and subfolders Permits viewing or accessing of the file’s contents
Write Permits adding of files and subfolders Permits writing to a file
Read & Execute Permits viewing and listing of files and subfolders as well as executing of files; inherited by files and folders Permits viewing and accessing of the file’s contents as well as executing of the file
List Folder Contents Permits viewing and listing of files and subfolders as well as executing of files; inherited by folders only N/A
Modify Permits reading and writing of files and subfolders; allows deletion of the folder Permits reading and writing of the file; allows deletion of the file
Full Control Permits reading, writing, changing, and deleting of files and subfolders Permits reading, writing, changing and deleting of the file
Permissions for Files
Control Full Modify Execute Read & Read Write Special Permissions
Traverse Folder/Execute File X X X
List Folder/Read Data X X X X
Read Attributes X X X X
Read Extended Attributes X X X X
Create Files/Write Data X X X
Create Folders/Append Data X X X
Write Attributes X X X
Write Extended Attributes X X X
Delete Subfolders and Files X
Delete X X
Read Permissions X X X X X
Change Permissions X
Take Ownership X
Permissions for Folders
Full Modify Execute Read & Contents Folder Read List Write Special Permissions Control
Traverse Folder / X X X X
Execute File
List Folder /Read Data X X X X X
Read Attributes X X X X X
Read Extended X X X X X
Create Files / X X X
Write Data
Create Folders / X X X
Append Data
Write Attributes X X X
Write Extended X X X
Delete Subfolders X
and Files
Delete X X
Read Permissions X X X X X X
Change Permissions X
Take Ownership X

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