Generic filters
Exact matches only

Validation engine Rules

2nd October 2013

Jquery - Validation

jquery icon

The Jquery Validation engine is a plugin that checks the data in forms. Out of many that have been tested, this seems to be the most robust and easiest to work with.



Numbers only (with spaces)

Integer (Year)

Start Date Using Datepicker

validate[required] (just must include)

validate[required,minSize[6]] (required and must contain min of 6 chars)

validate[maxSize[6]] (not required but must be min of 6 chars)

validate[required,equals[password]] (must be the same as password field)

validate[required] radio (must choose a radio button)

validate[minCheckbox[2]] checkbox (must tick two tick boxes)

validate[required] checkbox (must choose a checkbox button)

Change position of message (data-prompt-position=”bottomLeft:20,5″)

datepicker (see start date using datepicker)


You need to add this to the jqueryvalidationEngine-en.js

Select box dropdown

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